Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Week 27-39

Whew time flies when you having fun. If you believe that, i have some land to sell you down here in Florida! 9 weeks of tx left woooo hooooo. Single digits. Never thought i'd get here and now of course it seems like the months have flown. I am still working, although only part time. I have some usual fatigue, but not too bad. Healthy these last 12 weeks, all except this Godforsaken ugly extensive itchy rashy hives I get. I am still being followed by my dermo especially since the cortisone shots no longer keep my hives at bay. He who now thinks it maybe cutaneous vasculitis and has sent me for all sorts of blood work ANA, C3, C4, C50, sedmentation rate, immunoelectrophoresis, protein Electrophoresis. Basically the rash seems to be an allergic reaction to something, maybe even INF or Ribavirin. This isn't a riba rash. I have that too on my back and arms, but it's a joy compared to the hives on rest of body.


My Other Blog said...

Ugh... I walked around with an Epipen for weeks after developing a sudden rash. I don't know how your doctor could tell what rash was caused by treatment, what rash wasn't. But: Single Digits Now!! Yipee!!

Me said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the rash and hives. I hope it magically disappears following the end of treatment (or sooner!)